Saturday, October 25, 2014

Morgan Mahoney 24, facing a jail term of 120 years for having affair with 16 year- old boy.

A former gym teacher at Moore Catholic high school in Staten Island has been charged with 30 counts of statutory rape for allegedly having numerous inappropriate sexual encounters with a 16 year old male student.

Megan Mahoney, 24, according to charging documents obtained from Richmond County, she is facing 30 counts of rape in the third degree, each count having maximum term of 4 years so you do the math.
It all began when Mahoney, a former Wagner College star basketball player and assistant basketball coach for Moore Catholic offered to coach the boy in basketball.
The sexual encounters allegedly occurred in a 4 month time period between Oct 2013 and January 2014 at least two times a week with some occurring on Moore Catholic High property, according to police.

The walls closed in when the ex-girlfriend of the boy involved allegedly spotted the two at a pizzeria and contacted police. With the investigation on by the NYPD, Mahoney resigned in January and was arrested this past Monday and released without bail.


  1. 120 years jail term7n that is too much and she is just 24, but Mahoney what did you see in 16 year-old boy.

  2. D boy enjoyed every minute of it. This is d work of a jealous ex. 120 years is quite much biko, its equivalent to life imprisonement



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